PDL Abstract

GraphPipe: Improving Performance and Scalability of DNN Training with Graph Pipeline Parallelism

arXiv:2406.17145v2 [cs.DC] 28 Oct 2024.

Byungsoo Jeon^, Mengdi Wu*, Shiyi Cao~, Sunghyun Kim†, Sunghyun Park^, Neeraj Aggarwal*, Colin Unger‡, Daiyaan Arfeen*, Peiyuan Liao*, Xupeng Miao*, Mohammad Alizadeh†, Gregory R. Ganger*, Tianqi Chen*, Zhihao Jia*

*Carnegie Mellon University
‡Stanford University
~UC Berkeley

Deep neural networks (DNNs) continue to grow rapidly in size, making them infeasible to train on a single device. Pipeline parallelism is commonly used in existing DNN systems to support large-scale DNN training by partitioning a DNN into multiple stages, which concurrently perform DNN training for different micro-batches in a pipeline fashion. However, existing pipeline-parallel approaches only consider sequential pipeline stages and thus ignore the topology of a DNN, resulting in missed model-parallel opportunities.

This paper presents graph pipeline parallelism (GPP), a new pipeline-parallel scheme that partitions a DNN into pipeline stages whose dependencies are identified by a directed acyclic graph. GPP generalizes existing sequential pipeline parallelism and preserves the inherent topology of a DNN to enable concurrent execution of computationallyindependent operators, resulting in reduced memory requirement and improved GPU performance. In addition, we develop GraphPipe, a distributed system that exploits GPP strategies to enable performant and scalable DNN training. GraphPipe partitions a DNN into a graph of stages, optimizes micro-batch schedules for these stages, and parallelizes ∗Equal contribution. DNN training using the discovered GPP strategies. Evaluation on a variety of DNNs shows that GraphPipe outperforms existing pipeline-parallel systems such as PipeDream and Piper by up to 1.6×. GraphPipe also reduces the search time by 9-21× compared to PipeDream and Piper.