SOCC'12, October 14-17, 2012, San Jose, CA USA.
Vijay Vasudevan, Michael Kaminsky*, David G. Andersen
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
*Intel Labs
The performance of non-volatile memories (NVM) has grown by a factor of 100 during the last several years: Flash devices today are capable of over 1 million I/Os per second. Unfortunately, this incredible growth has put strain on software storage systems looking to extract their full potential.
To address this increasing software-I/O gap, we propose using vector interfaces in high-performance networked systems. Vector interfaces organize requests and computation in a distributed system into collections of similar but independent units of work, thereby providing opportunities to amortize and eliminate the redundant work common in many high-performance systems. By integrating vector interfaces into storage and RPC components, we demonstrate that a single key-value storage server can provide 1.6 million requests per second with a median latency below one millisecond, over fourteen times greater than the same software absent the use of vector interfaces. We show that pervasively applying vector interfaces is necessary to achieve this potential and describe how to compose these interfaces together to ensure that vectors of work are propagated throughout a distributed system.