Carnegie Mellon University Parallel Data Lab Technical Report CMU-PDL-06-102, January, 2006.
David G. Andersen, Nick Feamster1
Parallel Data Laboratory
School of Computer Science & Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Internet measurement data provides the foundation for the operation and planning of the networks that comprise the Internet, and is a necessary component in research for analysis, simulation, and emulation. Despite its critical role, however, the management of this datafrom collection and transmission to storage and its use within applicationsremains primarily ad hoc, using techniques created and re-created by each corporation or researcher that uses the data. This paper examines several of the challenges faced when attempting to collect and archive large volumes of network measurement data, and outlines an architecture for an Internet data repositorythe datapositorydesigned to create a framework for collaboratively addressing these challenges.
KEYWORDS: network monitoring, databases, data management, data mining