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    Draft minutes of the FCIP teleconference, 8/22/01

    1)  Administrative work
    	All minutes will now be posted on the ips reflector.
    	The PDF supporting documents will be posted on the web-site referenced to the FC-BB-2 project.
    2)  Discussion of security
    	The Aboba document is apparently the principal choice for
    	iSCSI security.  Larry will post the document to the authors.
    	The iSCSI approach is to actually include ULP level
    	security.  Our approach has been to use traditional
    	IPSec level security underneath TCP/IP.
    3)  FCIP_DE to FC Entity communication requirements
    	Murali has provided a document that lists all the
    	possible communications that may need to take place
    	between the FCIP entity and the FC entity.  This would
    	logically be in Annex D.  These are reminders about
    	the communications that need to be performed, but they
    	are not specifications of the communications.  These
    	are not interoperability points.
       a)  Notification by FCIP_DE that packets are discarded.
    			(accepted)  It was noted that these are not
    			APIs.  There may be one indication for 
    			the discard of multiple frames in a vendor
    			specific manner.  
       b)  IP network transmit time cannot be determined.
    			(this line will be removed, and rewriting may
    			be needed)
       c)  FC frame encapsulation does not contain a valid
    			time stamp.
       d)  Synchronized time value is not well synchronized.
       e) 7	   Maintaining synchronized time value
    			(tells FCIP Entity not to stuff time value)
       f) 7	   Unreliable time value is corrected
    			(tells FCIP Entity to stuff time value)
       g) 8.1.2    Request creation of TCP connection
       h) 8.1.2    Creation is rejected
       i) 8.1.2	   Creation of second connection is accepted
       j) 8.1.3    Dynamic creation of new connection
    			(accepted (4 items))
       k) 8.1.4    Processing of TCP Connect requests
    			(accepted)  This one is already contained and
    			needs to be modified in the table.
       l) 8.4      FC entity uses FC Flow control (accepted)
       m) 8.4	   FCIP entity uses TCP Flow control (accepted)
    			Note that these may need some internal flow
    			control mechanisms.  These are not specifically
    			defined, but these are not interoperability 
       n) 10.1     Multiple TCP Connections within an FCIP_LEP
       Murali noted that none of these are related to Fibre Channel.
       The distinction is not useful for implementation purposes.
       I don't think it will be a constructive exercise to try
       to move the boundaries.  One of the two documents will know
       more about the other.  At present, FC-BB-2 must be cognizant
       of the FCIP entity's behavior.  There was some work on
       this in Hawaii at the FC-BB-2 meeting.  Murali will study
       this possibility.  Routing is part of the issue.
    4)  Discussion of security
       Don Fraser has started a discussion about some nits on the
       security stuff.
    5)  Discussion of time server
       The FC fabric time server is an SNTP type time server.
       It was asked whether we should be using the IP or FC
       time server.  It was noted that the SNTP IP time server
       may or may not exist.  
    6)  8.1.4 problem
       The acceptance of a connection.  The FCIP entity creates
       an FCIP_DE when a new connection is made.  This text is
       already included, and Murali accepted the resolution.
       Ralph indicated that an additional sentence was required to
       take care of this.
    7)  B_Port definitions
       Can B_Ports get time services?  B_Ports really only work
       in constrained configurations where generic management is
       not required.
    8)  SAN island interconnections
       Two SAN islands joined by a link may not be notified
       if the link fails.  The notification process needs to
       be included from the FCIP to the FC Entity.  FC procedures
       should be successful in recovering.  A LSR needs to be
       generated.  Note that loss of signal is not necessarily
       a symptom of a loss of TCP/IP continuity.  HELLO timers
       may be the ultimate catcher for this.  The longest latency
       between connections is on the order of 300 msec with satellites.
    9) Next week's meeting
       Power will be provided
       Computer projectors will be provided
       Vi will provide an overhead projector
       The MIB meeting will be arranged for Monday evening.
       The next teleconference will be scheduled at the interim
       meeting next week.
    1)  Murali will study the possibility of modifying the
        boundary between FC and FCIP entities with a view toward
        simplifying the structure.  There is some skepticism that
        this will turn out helpful. 
    2)  Ralph will add the correction required to 8.1.4.
    Elizabeth Rodriguez		Lucent
    Robert Snively			Brocade
    Neil Wanamaker			Akara
    Vi Chau				Gadzoox
    Gaby Hecht				Gadzoox
    Ralph Weber				ENDL Texas / Brocade
    Dave Peterson			Cisco
    Dan Fraser				Compaq
    Venkat Rangan			Rhapsody Network
    Andy Helland			LightSand
    Anil Rijhsinghani			McData
    Jim Nelson				Vixel
    Ken Hirata				Vixel
    Scott Kipp				McData
    Raj Bhagwat				LightSand
    Murali Rajagopal			LightSand
    Larry Lamers			SANValley


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:55 2001
6315 messages in chronological order