7th Annual Workshop & Retreat
November 2 - 4, 1998


MONDAY, November 2

Carnegie Mellon University

Poster Session
Guest Speaker: Phil Koopman
Software Robustness Evaluation

ERC Talks
Rick Carley
Center for Highly Integrated Computing Systems
Garth Gibson
Non-Volatile Integral Computing: Proposing a New NSF ERC
Christos Faloutsos
Indexing and Data Mining in Multimedia Databases


Garth Gibson
NASD: A Cost-Effective High-Bandwidth Storage Architecture
Jim Zelenka
Optimizing NASD Drive Performance
Garth Gibson
Optimistic Concurrency Control

SESSION II: Security
Howard Gobioff
Can NASD Deliver Security and Performance?
Steve Schlosser
Security Hardware for NASD

Poster Session

TUESDAY, November 3

SESSION III: Networking
David Nagle
NASD Networking Overview
Greg Ganger
Extensible Networking for Performance and Robustness
Garth Goodson
Optimizing NASD Communication
David Rochberg
Applications for Active Storage Networks
Andrew Myers
Application-Aware Anycast
David Maltz
A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols

Social Hike

SESSION IV: Active Disks
Erik Riedel
Active Disks - Remote Execution for Network-Attached Storage
Khalil Amiri
ABACUS: Adaptive Transparent Function Migration in a Distributed Filesystem
Mike Bigrigg
A Software Architecture for Active Computing

WEDNESDAY, November 4

SESSION V: Prefetching
Tara Madhyastha
Informed Prefetching of Collective I/O Requests
Ted Wong
A User-Level File System Architecture
Angela Demke Brown
Compiler-Directed I/O Prefetching and Memory Management
Fay Chang
Automatic I/O Hint Generation Through Speculative Execution

SESSION VI: Industry Comments



    Director, Parallel Data Lab
    VOICE: (412) 268-1297

    Executive Director, Parallel Data Lab
    VOICE: (412) 268-5485

    PDL Administrative Manager
    VOICE: (412) 268-6716