4th Annual
Workshop & Retreat
September 29 - October 1, 1996
- The Benefit of a Few Disks, Hugo Patterson
- Trace-Drive Comparisons of Prefetching Algorithms: Single and
Multiple Processes, Andrew Tomkins
- Speculative Execution to Generate Hints for TIP, Eka Ginting
- Informed Prefetching in a Networked Environment, David Rochberg
- Transactional Disk Storage, Bill Courtright
- Resource Management for Application-Aware Integrated Services Networks, Hui Zhang
- Effects of Buffering Semantics on I/O Performance, Jose Brustoloni
- The Scalable I/O Low-Level API: A Portable Programming Interface for
Parallel File Systems, Chris Demetriou
- Routing High-Bandwidth Traffic in Max-Min Fair Share Networks, Qingming Ma
- A Digital Video Server for NASD, Marc Unangst
- Network-Attached Secure Disks (NASD) Motivation, Taxonomy and Status, Garth Gibson
- Exploring NASD Architectural Issues, Eugene Feinberg
- NASD Prototype Architecture, Jim Zelenka
- Understanding Customer Dissatisfaction with Underutilized
Distributed File Servers, Erik Riedel
- Storage Systems: Automatic Design for Availability, Khalili Amiri
- Building Scalable Distributed File Systems by Dynamically
Distributing File Servers, Fay Chang
- Server Off-Loading in NASD, Berend Ozceri
- NASD Security Overview, Howard Gobioff
- Microelectromechanical Systems for Direct Access Data Storage, Richard Carley
- Storage: From Paralle to Intelligent, Garth Gibson
Director, Parallel Data Lab
VOICE: (412) 268-1297
Executive Director, Parallel Data Lab
VOICE: (412) 268-5485
PDL Administrative Manager
VOICE: (412) 268-6716