Scalable I/O: Applications
- Argonne National Labs has an SIO
application suite which includes the following:
- Astrophysics
- Weather Modeling (MPMM)
- Climate Modeling (PCCM2)
- Parallel Rendering
- Seismic
- Shallow Water (PSTSWM)
- Electronic Structure
- Hartree-Fock
- LU Factorization
- We currently have an FFT program capable of acting
on a very large dataset.
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
We have developped a one dimensional FFT application. It is based on the
algorithm descibed in "FFTs
in External or Heirarchical Memory" by David H. Bailey. The algorithm
consists of four steps. The data set is conceptual turned into a two dimensional
n1 by n2 matrix. Each section of length n1 becomes a new row.
- Perform n1 FFTs of length n2 on the rows of
the matrix.
- Scale by multiplying each element Aj,k by e2*pi*i*j*k/n.
- Traspose the matrix.
- Perform n2 FFTs of length n1 on the rows of
the matrix.
An inverse FFT can be performed by substituting IFFT for the FFTs,
and negating the exponent in step 2.
In this implementation, steps 2 and 3 have been merged to reduce the
number of passes through the data. This procedure allows smaller sections
of data to be operated on than the traditional FFT algorithms. It is
applied recusively until the amount of memory necessary to perform each
individual FFT in steps 1 and 4 is below a user defined limit.
Future development:
- Multi-processor version using a shared global queue and shared access
to SIO Parallel File System.