October 2003
Faloutsos Team Receives $2.5 Million from
the National Science Foundation for Bio-Molecular Imaging
Mellon scientist Robert Murphy has received $2.5 million from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) as part of a five-year, $9.4 million multi-institutional
grant headquartered at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
This grant for "Next-Generation Bio-Molecular Imaging and Information
Discovery" was one of eight large grants made this year by NSF's
Information Technology Research Program. The ultimate
goal of the project, which includes researchers from the University
of California, Santa Barbara; the University of California, Berkeley;
and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is to develop new information
processing technologies that will enable researchers to extract detailed
information from images depicting the distribution of biological molecules
within cells.
Working with Murphy are Carnegie Mellon co-principal investigators
Tom Mitchell, director of the Center for Automated Learning & Discovery; Christos Faloutsos, professor of Computer Science; and Jelena Kovacevic,
professor of Biomedical Engineering. For more information please see www.cmu.edu/PR/releases03/031008_biomolimaging.html.
(CMU 81/2 x 11 News and ECE News, October 8, 2003)
September 2003
Intel supports the Self-* Storage Project with Equipment Grant
Greg Ganger (Associate Professor,
ECE and CS) and the Parallel Data Lab (PDL) have received an $85K equipment
grant from Intel Corporation. The grant provides an early testbed for
PDL's new Self-* Storage project, which seeks to create large-scale
self-managing, self-organizing, self-tuning storage systems from generic
September 2003
NSF Grant to Fund Self-* Storage Research
PDL researchers have received a $1.5 million NSF grant to pursue the
Self-* Storage project, which seeks to create large-scale self-managing,
self-organizing, self-tuning storage systems from generic servers. The
project PI is Greg Ganger (ECE and
CS; Director of PDL), and the co-PIs are Natassa
Ailamaki (CS), Anthony Brockwell (Statistics), Garth Gibson (CS),
and Mike Reiter (ECE and CS).
September 2003
Ganger & the PDL Awarded IBM Equipment Grant for Self-* Storage
Greg Ganger, Associate Professor
of ECE and CS, and the Parallel Data Lab (PDL) have received an $80K
equipment grant from IBM Corporation. The grant provides an early testbed
for PDL's new Self-* Storage project,
which seeks to create large-scale (100s of terabytes), self-managing,
self-organizing, self-tuning storage systems from generic servers.
(ECE News, Sept. 2, 2003)
September 2003
5 CMU Professors Receive NSF Grant to Study Drinking Water Quality
and Security
Faculty members Jeanne VanBriesen, Civil and Environmental Engineering
(CEE), Christos Faloutsos, Computer
Science, Anastassia Ailamaki, Computer
Science, Mitch Small, CEE and Engineering and Public Policy, and Paul
Fischbeck, Social and Decision Sciences, have received a National Science
Foundation grant of $1.5 million for a new project called "SENSORS:
Placement and Operation of an Environmental Sensor Network to Facilitate
Decision Making Regarding Drinking Water Quality and Security."
(Full article in The
Tartan, Sept. 8, 2003)
August 2003
Todd Mowry Wins 2003 IBM Faculty Partnership Award
Todd Mowry, Associate Professor of
CS and ECE, has been awarded a 2003 IBM Faculty Partnership Award by
the Austin Center for Advanced Studies for his project titled Exploiting
Thread-Level Speculation to Accelerate Database Performance on Chip
July 2003
Jiri Schindler Receives Best Paper Award in VLDB 2003 PhD Workshop
Jiri Schindler's paper "Matching
Database Access Patterns to Storage Characteristics," co-authored
with Anastassia Ailamaki and Greg Ganger, has received the award for
Best Paper in the VLDB 2003 PhD Workshop from among 34 submissions.
Jiri will present his paper at the VLDB PhD Workshop, co-located with
VLDB 2003 (29th Conference on Very Large Databases) in Berlin in September.
The VLDB 2003 PhD Workshop brings together PhD students working on topics
related to the VLDB Conference series, to present and discuss their
research in a constructive and international atmosphere. This paper
is available on our publications
May 2003
John Griffin Receives Intel Fellowship
Our congratulations to John Griffin,
who has been selected as a recipient of a 2003-04 Intel Foundation PhD
Fellowship Award. The term of the award is one year (non-renewable)
and will cover John's full tuition, fees, and stipend during that time.
Additionally, the fellowship provides John with an Intel mentor who
will act as a link between the student and those people pursuing relevant
research at Intel. Also included in the award is an Intel-based laptop.
The fellowship does not involve an internship; rather, it is targeted
at Ph.D. candidates within 18 months of degree completion.
Intel Fellows, leaders of Intel research and technology, personally recommend the candidates for this award, the goal of which is to "highlight the best of the best graduate students in areas matching Intel research." Approximately 35 candidates are selected annually for the award from a very competitive field.
Another PDL graduate student, Steve Schlosser, received this award in 2001.
May 2003
James Hendricks Awarded National Defense Fellowship
Congratulations to James Hendricks,
who has been awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate
(NDSEG) Fellowship. This program seeks to identify individuals
whose scientific and engineering credentials will support study through
doctoral degrees. The prevailing goal of this highly competetive program
is "to provide the United States with talented, doctorally trained
American men and women who will lead state-of-the-art research projects
in disciplines having the greatest payoff to national security requirements."
Since the program's inception 14 years ago, approximately 1,800 fellowships
have been awarded from about 28,500 applications received.
The 3-year fellowship is sponsored by the DoD and was awarded to 114
entering and first
year graduate students this year. James' fellowship is supported by
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) covers his full
tuition and required fees during that term. It also provides a competitive
stipend and subsidizes the student's health insurance. Fellows have
no military or other service obligations, and must be working towards
a PhD.
May 2003
Brandon Salmon Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
The winners of this year's National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate
Research Fellowships include Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
students Jennifer Morris and Brandon
Salmon. Earning honorary mention were ECE students Ryan Kerekes,
Tom Lauwers, and Thomas Wenisch. The NSF's Graduate Research Fellowship
funds three years of graduate study, including a $27,500 stipend for
the first 12-months and an annual tuition allowance of $10,500, paid
to the university. This year's contest was the most competitive in recent
history: 7,788 applicants vied for 900 fellowships.
(CMU 8 1/2 x 11 News, May 1, 2003)
May/April 2003
Several Successful Thesis Proposals
In the last few weeks three PDL members have successfully presented
their Ph.D. thesis proposals. Congratulations are due to Stavros
Harizopoulos, Shimin Chen, and Spiros Papadimitriou!
February 2003
Chenxi Wang awarded research funding from GM
Chenxi Wang has been awarded funding
from GM through the General Motors
Collaborative Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon and in association with
the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), to research secure dynamic networks.
January 2003
Chris Long and Greg Ganger receive funding from C3S
Chris Long and Greg
Ganger have been awarded seed funding from the Center for Computer Security (C3S) at Carnegie Mellon for their
project "Access Control for the Masses." The project will
fall within a new PDL research area dealing with Better User Interfaces.
More PDL news here.